Airport Operations Control Centre (AOCC) Diploma

Jason Poirier Lavoie

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One Admissionshow details + $1,650.00 (USD)  

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  • Airport Operations Control Centre Diploma
    January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025
    08:00 - 23:55

This is a SELF-PACED programme comprising three individual courses. A letter of acknowledgement is issued upon successful completion of each course. To obtain the AOCC Diploma, a participant must complete all three courses within a period of 6 months.

Airports exist in a complex environment that involve many stakeholders such as government agencies, airlines, contractors, passengers, the public and many more. Successful stakeholder coordination can only occur with one central department responsible for liaising with all. This program will provide any aviation manager with the essential aspects of an Airport Operations Control Centre.

The Diploma comprises the following three courses:

COURSE 1 – AOCC and Operational Efficiency – AOCC201

COURSE 2 – Standard Operating Procedures and Operational Efficiency – AOCC202

COURSE 3 – AOCC Implementation and Design Principles – AOCC203

NOTE: Canadian participants to add applicable sales tax(es) to the fee